SELEX Experiment
at Fermilab
Carnegie Mellon
Physics Department

Fixed Target Experiment at Fermilab

Searching for Charm Baryons

Our group is working with the SELEX experiment at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab). General information about the SELEX detector is available here.

The SELEX Group at CMU


The Fermilab Fixed Target program has long been concerned with understanding the physics of charm hadron production and decays. The aim of E-781 was to complement previous or contemporaneous work in hadroproduction and photoproduction by emphasizing physics at large Feynman-x, where the charm hadron carries off a large fraction of the incident beam momentum. Most charm hadroproduction experiments have used only pion beams and worked near xF = 0, where production of all types of secondary particles is maximal. Charm mesons are by far the dominant charm species in these experiments. Empirical observations of the strange hyperons indicate that the baryon/meson ratio increases at large xF. E-781 is unique in its ability to see whether this feature of hadroproduction also holds true for heavy quark systems like charm. There are also important features of charm hadroproduction that may depend on the incident beam particle. E-781, using different beam hadrons from the Fermilab Hyperon beam, is the only experiment that can address these issues.

E-781 employed a novel impact-parameter software trigger to select charm candidates for writing to tape. Charm particles have a short but finite decay length. A high-resolution vertex detector close to the production point can select charm candidates based on the miss-distance of the decay tracks evaluated at the primary production vertex. E-781 built a 50,000 strip silicon vertex detector system to reconstruct on-line all high-momentum ( >15 GeV/c) tracks from each interactions with 6 micron resolution. Events were recorded on tape only when the reconstruction indicated that these tracks did NOT come from a single primary vertex The goal was to take a large data set with a loose hardware trigger but to avoid huge software overheads in extracting physics. The full spectrometer, shown in this Figure, includes a two-stage magnetic spectrometer and excellent particle identification information from the downstream Ring-Imaging Cerenkov Counter. This is especially important for identifying charm baryon decays in the large xF region.

Physics questions for charm studies have to do both with production and decay mechanisms. In charm baryon decays the charm quark may decay or interact through exchange mechanisms with the light quarks. Unlike meson decays, there is no helicity suppression for exchanges, and a rich spectrum of quasi-two-body decay modes may occur. Do they? There is little experimental information on the question. Such a study requires both good charged particle identification and good photon detection. Comparison of non-leptonic and semi-leptonics decays are also important. E-781 has good photon coverage, electron tagging and fast charged-particle identification. They expect to make new studies of the higher-order corrections to the charm decay mechanisms explored by combining Heavy Quark Effective Theory and perturbative QCD.

Strong interaction physics can be studied in the production of charm hadrons. There are open questions about possible direct charm content of non-charmed mesons and nucleons, as well as color-drag effects in production at large xF. Such studies demand comparisons between different beam hadrons and also good acceptance at large xF. E-781 is designed to make these studies.

The physics potential of the experiment touches many little-known areas of heavy quark physics. The focus on charm baryons is especially appropriate for a hadron machine. The experiment recorded events from 15 x 109 inelastic collisions during the 1996-97 Fixed Target period. The group developed a run-time Data Summary Tape (DST) strategy for the first-level processing pass, akin to the skimming pass of the Tevatron Collider experiments. They identified interesting events during intial track reconstruction and wrote out condensed records having only physics information and identifiers for those events. Sample charm mass plots from this condensed output file can be seen below. This has worked well. Initial physics results have been presented at international conferences and have been submitted to journals. Topics range from total cross section measurements to precision charm hadron lifetimes to new features of charm hadroproduction and decay.

The group is now preparing the second analysis pass over all data to improve selection of the charm-strange baryons that are an important objective of this charm baryon experiment. That pass will be done by summer, 2001. Analysis should continue for another year after that.