• Talk(*.ps) (*.pdf) - Talk transparencies
  • List of figures.
    Fig.1(*.jpg) - a general view of the stand for the test of anode front-end boards.
    Fig.2(*.jpg) - the 10 boards adapter
    Fig.3(*.ps) - the average thresholds for the boards and the max. deviation of the threshold from the average
    Fig.4(*.ps) - the average noise and max. noise vs board
    Fig.4a(*.ps) - the average noise and max. noise vs board
    Fig.5(*.ps) - the average and max. resolution time
    Fig.6(*.ps) - the average amd max. propagation time deviation from the average
    Fig.7(*.ps) - the average and max. slewing time
    Fig.8(*.ps) - copy of the monitoring delivery Web page
    Fig.9(*.jpg) - a general view of the stand for the test of preamplifier chips
    Fig.10(*.jpg) - adapter with two open clamp shell connectors for the test of the preamplifier chips
    Fig.11(*.jpg) - adapter with two open clamp shell connectors for the test of the delay chips
    Fig.12(*.ps) - the max. difference between delays in channel at any delay code and the max. difference between straight line delay vs code fit and data
    Fig.13(*.ps) - the fitted average offset and max offset deviation from the average
    Fig.14(*.ps) - the fitted average slope and max slope deviation from the average
    Fig.15(*.ps) - the max. and min. differential slope

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    Last modified: Thu Oct 18 14:00:00 CST 2001